Book Cover Design

We specialize in all steps of converting documents to eBook formats, which includes helping you create a cover for your newly converted eBook. We offer this service to our customers with no added fees after checkout. Our book cover design work is a flat $99 for a basic design.

All eBooks should have a cover. Covers help to draw the reader’s eye, help your book stand out in the listings, and can compel the reader to actually give your book a try. Studies have shown that covers on eBooks create a more positive feeling for the consumer that buys the book. An eye-catching design can be the difference between someone scrolling past your listing or stopping to give it a read. Additionally, they can convey the basic idea of the book while increasing the value of your book. When done properly, they can also convey a little bit about you to your readers.

Our book cover design specialists have worked with hundreds of customers. They will work with you to find out the kind of book cover that will work best. Our designers will work with you to create three designs based on an image and text that you send to us. You select the one you like the most and we’ll work with you to fine-tune the cover you prefer from there.

The rates on our basic services are flat $99 and you will find no hidden fees when you check out. We offer eBook conversion and book cover design services to publishers all around the world.

For more information please contact us at (515) 865-4591 or at We will be happy to answer any questions you may have. We will be happy to get you an estimate on any design work.

Book Cover Design Samples

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